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Check out the decklists of the four new Challenger Decks: Mono-White Aggro, Dimir Control, Gruul Sto...
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Vinicius Sorin
A selection of the most dreadful characters that appeared on Magic: The Gathering's lore post-Mendin...
lore villains top 10
Eduardo Silveira
Celebrating the return to Kamigawa, I bring a Wizard tribal Draw-Go deck with Azami, Lady of Scrolls...
edh kamigawa commander azami
Gabriel Nunes
In today's article, we analyze Chandra, Dressed to Kill's impact and presence on Modern's competitiv...
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Felipe Torres
This article brings a Toxrill, the Corrosive control deck for cEDH, one of the most interesting crea...
cEDH vow commander
The new format will rotate like the Standard, but will have exclusive cards with mechanics only poss...
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Affinity's predominance is just another symptom of a larger and chronic issue Pauper has been facing...
pauper analysis ban affinity wizards
This Runo Stromkirk deck runs a self-mill strategy to take full advantage of Krothuss, Lord of the D...
innistrad dimir commander mill
Tips and upgrades for the Spirit Squadron preconstructed deck, which creates plenty of tokens and tr...
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Vampires, zombies and werewolves are terrorizing the world of Innistrad. Crimson Vow is the new set ...
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In today's article, I present five budget decks for Pioneer on the allied color combinations: Azoriu...
pioneer budget deck
In this article, we discuss a budget decklists based around Stranger Things' new Commanders: Eleven ...
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Are the Pioneer Challenger Decks really worth the purchase? In this article, I assess the potential ...
pioneer challenger decks upgrade
Today, we'll analyze one of the most trustworthy decks of the current Modern metagame: Temur Footfal...
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While you can buy packs if you like, you can start stronger than everyone else in ARENA if you know ...
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A new addition from Innistrad: Midnight Hunt might bring Arclight Phoenix back into the competitive ...
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We can finally see all cards with altered art or in anime style form from the Kamigawa Neon Dynasty ...
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Some games were well-known in the past and don't need a big budget to start
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