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Legends of Runeterra
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Find out which support in League of Legends fits you the most, both in personality and in playabilit...
support quiz league sup leagueoflegends
Test out your general knowledge about Legends of Runeterra: from champion voice lines till launches.
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The Worldwalker expansion brought us many new cards, check out some interesting decks with these new...
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Do you think you know League of Legends well? Then take this quiz and test your knowledge.
leagueoflegends quiz know test
The perfect quiz for your AD Carry mains or new players. Get to know which champion fits your style ...
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Mardu Greasefang is the deck that demonstrates the best results in Explorer's competitive landscape ...
mardu explorer deck tech
Legends of Runeterra’s sixth set, Worldwalker, arrives on May 25th, 2022! Here you will see recent u...
set wolrdwalker
Tony Lucas
A guide on how to play Taliyah Ziggs, the list is focused on landmarks and their destruction. I will...
Competitive Deck Tech Landmarks
Tiago Fuguete
Mardu Affinity, a great option at the moment. Let's see how and why this deck plays well against the...
pauper affinity deck tech
Are you a Top Laner or are you thinking about star playing in this lane? Then take this quick quiz t...
quiz toplane top champion
Answer a few questions and find out which Runeterra region fits you the most!
quiz lor runeterra riot
Vinicius Sorin
With Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty right around the corner, let's travel back in time and remember what hap...
lore kamigawa set story
A brief version of everything that happened in Innistrad: Crimson Vow !
innistrad vow lore
A brief version of everything that happened in Innistrad: Midnight Hunt.
lore innistrad midnight hunt
Coup is a wonderful game with plenty of bluffs and strategies!
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Take this fast and fun quiz to know which Arcane character and you have the most in common.
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Pirates Aggro is a deck that has dominated the meta in several seasons, and even in those where it d...
decktech pirates aggro guide
Netflix recently admitted that the video game Fortnite is its biggest competitor. This post will bre...
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