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End of Penny Dreadful's Season 21 and PD500

End of Penny Dreadful's Season 21 and PD500


We are close to the end of Season 21, and soon we'll have the PD 500, so let's see which decks stood...

penny mtgo budget

Legacy Set Review: Innistrad Midnight Hunt

Legacy Set Review: Innistrad Midnight Hunt


In today's article, we'll analyze Innistrad: Midnight Hunt's potencial for Legacy!

legacy review innistrad

Pioneer Set Review: Innistrad Midnight Hunt

Pioneer Set Review: Innistrad Midnight Hunt


In today's article, we'll look at what new cards in Innistrad: Midnight Hunt might impact Pioneer!

pioneer innistrad analysis

Pauper Set Review: Innistrad Midnight Hunt

Pauper Set Review: Innistrad Midnight Hunt


With the end of the spoiler season and the full set revealed, it's time to our Pauper set review for...

analysis pauper review innistrad

15 decklists for Historic Brawl

15 decklists for Historic Brawl

Thiago NileDeath

We've put together 15 interesting, broken or just plain fun lists for you to play Historic Brawl in ...

brawl historic commander arena

The 16 players who will participate in the World Championship XXVII

The 16 players who will participate in the World Championship XXVII


Sixteen players from around the world will compete between October 8th and 10th for the title of Wor...

world magic news

Historic Deck Tech: Heliod Company

Historic Deck Tech: Heliod Company


Today, we dissected the Heliod Company from Historic, an aggro deck that uses Heliod Sun-Crowned's c...

decktech historic arena heliod

As a protest, Pauper Preliminary decks have only basic lands

As a protest, Pauper Preliminary decks have only basic lands


Players entered the Pauper Preliminary with lists that used only 60 basic lands, as a form of protes...

news pauper wizards preliminary

Throwback Magic: Gabriel Nassif Standard/2009 Cruel Control deck

Throwback Magic: Gabriel Nassif Standard/2009 Cruel Control deck


In this article, which seeks to bring an analysis of decks that made history in Magic, we analyze th...

Analysis throwback nassif decktech

Metagame: Historic Horizons' first week!

Metagame: Historic Horizons' first week!


In today's article, we look at the early impacts of Historic Horizons, with the lists that stood out...

analysis metagame historic legacy pioneer

The Rivals Gaunglet and MPL Gauntlet's Metagame!

The Rivals Gaunglet and MPL Gauntlet's Metagame!


The event, whose start has been postponed to next Friday, will define the last four participants of ...

news metagame standard world championship

The best Red creature in Magic's history

The best Red creature in Magic's history

Pedro Braga

We analyzed over 100 matches to put the two protagonists of Modern's red revolution on a scale and f...

modern red

Riot nerfs cards to rebalance predominant decks in Legends of Runeterra

Riot nerfs cards to rebalance predominant decks in Legends of Runeterra


The patch, which will go live on Wednesday, brings nerfs to cards commonly used in decks like Azir/I...

news nerf patch lor

Standard 2022 Deck Tech: Bant Party

Standard 2022 Deck Tech: Bant Party


Today, we will analyze the Bant Party, deck that has been doing great results in Standard 2022 and t...

analysis decks standard2022 arena

Metagame: Modern's new Jund and Selesnya Depths' ascension in Legacy

Metagame: Modern's new Jund and Selesnya Depths' ascension in Legacy


In today's article, we see a difference in Standard between MTGO and Arena, a new variant of Living...

metagame modern standard pauper legacy

Analyzing the Magic Showcase 2021 and  MTG's future

Analyzing the Magic Showcase 2021 and MTG's future


Here we'll discuss each of the 15 products featured in Magic Showcase 2021, what we can expect from ...

analysis 2022 showcase secretlair

Universes Beyond: Wizards Announces Partnership with Fortnite and Street Fighter

Universes Beyond: Wizards Announces Partnership with Fortnite and Street Fighter


In addition to the new partnerships, updates were also announced on other partnerships, such as Warh...

secretlair universesbeyond lord of the rings

Metagame: The Modern Super Qualifier & Sultai is back to Standard!

Metagame: The Modern Super Qualifier & Sultai is back to Standard!


In today's article, we analyze the results of the Modern Super Qualifier, see Sultai Ultimatum back ...

metagame modern standard pauper legacy

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