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Analyzing the future of Alrund's Epiphany

Analyzing the future of Alrund's Epiphany


With so much talk regarding Alrund's Epiphany and whether it should be banned or not, let's analyze ...

analysis standard epiphany ban izzet

Standard Deck Analysis: Yuta Takahashi's Izzet Dragons

Standard Deck Analysis: Yuta Takahashi's Izzet Dragons

Thiago NileDeath

In this article, I delve deeper into the Izzet Dragons deck piloted by Yuta Takahashi to win the Wor...

standard izzet dragons

World Championship Metagame Analysis

World Championship Metagame Analysis


In today's article, I analyze the decks that will be played in the World Championship, commenting on...

worlds metagame analysis arena standard

Standard with Innistrad: The Rock, Paper, Scissors game

Standard with Innistrad: The Rock, Paper, Scissors game

Thiago NileDeath

Today we'll talk about the three pillars of Innistrad Standard: Mono-Green Aggro, Mono-White Aggro a...

aggro standard innistrad

Modern: Jund Midrange and Adapting to Changes

Modern: Jund Midrange and Adapting to Changes

Gabriel Nunes

Today, we'll talk about Jund, which constantly changed since Modern's inception and is still present...

modern jund competitive

Metagame: The First week of Innistrad Midnight Hunt

Metagame: The First week of Innistrad Midnight Hunt


This week, we see which decks came up in the first post-rotation week, plus Delver's appearance on P...

metagame analysis standard pioneer legacy

Standard Set Review: Innistrad Midnight Hunt

Standard Set Review: Innistrad Midnight Hunt

Thiago NileDeath

In this article, I analyze the most promising cards from Innistrad: Midnight Hunt for Standard!

review standard arena innistrad

Throwback Magic: Gabriel Nassif Standard/2009 Cruel Control deck

Throwback Magic: Gabriel Nassif Standard/2009 Cruel Control deck


In this article, which seeks to bring an analysis of decks that made history in Magic, we analyze th...

Analysis throwback nassif decktech

The Rivals Gaunglet and MPL Gauntlet's Metagame!

The Rivals Gaunglet and MPL Gauntlet's Metagame!


The event, whose start has been postponed to next Friday, will define the last four participants of ...

news metagame standard world championship

Standard 2022 Deck Tech: Bant Party

Standard 2022 Deck Tech: Bant Party


Today, we will analyze the Bant Party, deck that has been doing great results in Standard 2022 and t...

analysis decks standard2022 arena

Metagame: Modern's new Jund and Selesnya Depths' ascension in Legacy

Metagame: Modern's new Jund and Selesnya Depths' ascension in Legacy


In today's article, we see a difference in Standard between MTGO and Arena, a new variant of Living...

metagame modern standard pauper legacy

Metagame: The Modern Super Qualifier & Sultai is back to Standard!

Metagame: The Modern Super Qualifier & Sultai is back to Standard!


In today's article, we analyze the results of the Modern Super Qualifier, see Sultai Ultimatum back ...

metagame modern standard pauper legacy

Standard's new old Aggro Decks

Standard's new old Aggro Decks

Thiago NileDeath

This article talks about Standard's Gruul Adventures and Naya Winota, the two main decks of the form...

gruul naya standard aggro

Jeskai Control is over 40% of Challenger Gauntlet's metagame

Jeskai Control is over 40% of Challenger Gauntlet's metagame


The archetype was the deck selected by 41.7% of the Challenger Gauntlet players, a high-level tourna...

news historic standard arena

Decklists for Standard 2022

Decklists for Standard 2022

Thiago NileDeath

This article talks a bit about Standard 2022 and some of its trending decklists.

standard2022 arena aggro control

Metagame: Winota in Standard, Splashes in Modern and Planeswalkers in Legacy!

Metagame: Winota in Standard, Splashes in Modern and Planeswalkers in Legacy!


In this week's Metagame we see Winota's rise in Standard, defined archetypes resorting to splashes i...

analysis metagame standard modern legacy paup

Budget Commander - Trelasarra, Moon Dancer

Budget Commander - Trelasarra, Moon Dancer

Eduardo Silveira

Trelasarra, Moon Dancer is a commander with great potential to dictate the pace of the game, establi...

edh commander budget d&d

Analysing Standard decks with Adventures in the Fogotten Realms

Analysing Standard decks with Adventures in the Fogotten Realms

Thiago NileDeath

This article talks about the most prevalent decks of the format and decks that has ascended with Adv...

standard afr

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