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Cesar Cusin
What are you looking for in a galaxy? New technology, settlers, progress, trade, industries, or cons...
race for the galaxy board game
Esper Pixie takes advantage of the interaction between ETB effects and creatures that return permane...
EsperPixie Deck Guide
Dimir Bounce is a new variant of an emerging strategy in Standard, tailored to play Mirror games wit...
Standard DimirBounce Deck Guide
In Elder Sign, we're investigating the Miskatonic Museum, where bizarre events have been happening. ...
elder sign board game
Pacto das Guildas
Modern is entering a new era: the last banlist introduced major changes to this format, so this new ...
Modern Deck Tech SideGuide
Pauper is dominated by value-focused strategies! In today's article, we'll explore one of the best d...
Pauper competitive meta
One of the hardest decks to play online, Acererak Combo gained traction in Pioneer RCs and tabletop ...
Pioneer Combo Acererak Guide
In Bohnanza, we're farmers: we plant, harvest, trade, and sell beans. The bean market is big and eve...
Bohnanza board game
Selesnya Tokens mixes a synergistic go-wide plan with the interaction between Collector's Cage and O...
Standard Tokens Guide Selesnya
Dimir Reanimator has gained Zombify as a key card for its strategy. In this article, we explore the ...
Standard Reanimator Deck Guide
Selesnya Auras was one of the decks that received significant additions with Duskmourn. Now, players...
Pioneer Selesnya Auras Guide
Your animals are running loose around the farm, and you, as one of the farmers, need to herd more an...
black sheep review board game
In this article, we explore the latest iteration of Standard's Aggro decks with Boros Auras, which m...
Standard Boros Auras Deck Guide
After years of peace, the World of Vigil has been attacked by Samael, the Fallen One! War is imminen...
ascension deckbuilding boardgame
Ajani, Caller of the Pride and his interaction with Regal Bunnicorn and Warden of the Inner Sky have...
Standard Azorius Aggro Deck Guide
Today, we'll discuss Azorius Tempo and Abhorrent Oculus, one of the most interesting decks in the fo...
standard competitive deck tech
It's the Age of Discovery, and we, as farmers, must produce, manufacture, store, sell, and/or ship o...
puerto rico board game
In today's article, we'll explore another Pauper deck that might become a viable option for the curr...
pauper deck tech sideguide competitive