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Magic: the Gathering
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Flesh and Blood
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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Thiago Fogaça
We will start to discuss about archetypes that have the main goal to use multiple turn to achieve a ...
commander edh
The Eldrazi are the most mysterious creatures in the Multiverse and in this article, you will learn ...
eldrazi zendikar lore
We've reached a point where everything explained in the previous articles will converge into a singl...
Today we are going to talk about the Hatebears in cEDH.
edh commander
Today I'm here to defend that the archetype based on Aetherflux Reservoir has not died.
We might see changes adressing the Companion mechanic on the next Monday. In this article, I do a br...
opinion Modern Legacy Companion
The idea behind Underworld Breach is not necessarily to be tied to a combo itself.
The update of last Tuesday (12/05), although simple, brought important details that deserve to be me...
Here we will talk about how Forbidden Tutors affect the format, and with that, we will understand wh...
cedh edh
Here I bring my opinion about the problems in WotC's vision that are causing so much upheaval among ...
Modern Legacy Opinion
Here we will discuss about the most popular cEDH archetypes and what they have to add to us.
Secret Lair: Godzilla lands will be sent to Argentina, but not to Brazil
Following guidelines from local governments on best practices in combating COVID-19
Devotion to the Gods of the Theros plan provides us with unique cards worthy of a unique collection.
The product is sold by the brand "Worlds Smallest", known for making miniatures of several classics.
In this article I discuss about yesterday's bannings annoucements, as well as exposing my disagreeme...
A commander who abuses the landfall interaction
deck tech cedh
How to develop the characteristics of a good general and take them to the next level