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On this article, I discuss my expectations for the future of Pauper, from a player's point of view.
Thiago Fogaça
I'll dedicate the last three chapters of this analysis to briefly comment about the tendencies in th...
commander edh
My goal in this article is to try to give you as many tips as I can about the best way to start in t...
A tribal deck which is extremely aggressive and which can also ramp mana very quickly
Double Masters brings a new archetype for Pauper
combo pauper competitive myr
The Eldrazi are the most mysterious creatures in the Multiverse and in this article, you will learn ...
eldrazi zendikar lore
Rebel Heart
Chronicler of Ruin is a very versatile unit, being able to perform various functions within the same...
opinion competitive
Now exploring the world of Legends of Runeterra! Read it to know a little more about us!
Cards Realm
Decklists of the Top 8 of MagicFest Online Season 2 Finals: 2 Mono-red Obosh and 2 Boros Cycling
standard t2
Here I bring my opinion about the problems in WotC's vision that are causing so much upheaval among ...
Modern Legacy Opinion
In a metagame dominated by Yorions and Kerugas, we are seeing an extremely budget deck gaining space...
deck tech standard t2
Wizards of the Coast created a digital kit to support organizers in their communities during the COV...
By clicking on the "Rent in ManaTraders" button, you will be redirected to the ManaTraders website a...
news mol
The plan is a challenge: to categorize all the existing combos in the world of Magic
The content of the "Children of the nameless" story has been replaced with a message
The lands are beautiful and will be available in Arena
At the MagicFest Reno 2020 Limited Grand Prix, she even opened 5-0, a new record in her career
Power metal songs that explore the tradition of the popular card game Magic: the Gathering