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Tiamat card art, from Forgotten Realms, worth more than $43,000 at auction

Tiamat card art, from Forgotten Realms, worth more than $43,000 at auction


The auction, which started today, has several bids and its currently value is $43,000!

notícia d&d leilão tiamat

Summer of Legends: The News of Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Summer of Legends: The News of Adventures in the Forgotten Realms


Basic Lands with flavor text, iconic creatures, and spells from the world's most famous RPG, Command...

News d&d forgottenrealms

Top 5 Strixhaven cards for Standard

Top 5 Strixhaven cards for Standard

Thiago NileDeath

This article talks about the cards I believe that will have the greatest potential on Standard.

Strixhaven Spoiler Arena

Top 5 cartas de Strixhaven para Standard + Menciones de Honor

Top 5 cartas de Strixhaven para Standard + Menciones de Honor

Thiago NileDeath

Este artículo tratará sobre las cartas Strixhaven que considero cartas que tienen mucho potencial pa...

strixhaven standard spoiler

Guía de decks y side: Sultai Ultimatum Standard

Guía de decks y side: Sultai Ultimatum Standard

Thiago NileDeath

Hoy hablaremos sobre Sultai ultimatum del Standard con una guía de side para los principales matches...

guía tech side sultai standard Arena

Kaldhem's Standard Metagame: the next steps

Kaldhem's Standard Metagame: the next steps

Thiago NileDeath

This article talks about the results of the last League Weekend and which are the next steps of Stan...

Standard Kaldheim Arena Naya Temur

IT'S FREE! A guide to the free tournaments on Magic Online and MTGArena !

IT'S FREE! A guide to the free tournaments on Magic Online and MTGArena !


I present you a point of reference and guide with the main free tournaments of *all formats* that ta...

Tournament Free MTGO Arena

Guía de Deck - Temur Ramp Standard actualizado con Kaldheim

Guía de Deck - Temur Ramp Standard actualizado con Kaldheim

Thiago NileDeath

¡Hoy les presentaré una guía completa de la primera versión atualizada de Temur Ramp con las cartas ...

Guía Standard Temur Kaldheim

Standard Deck Guide - Temur Ramp with Kaldheim

Standard Deck Guide - Temur Ramp with Kaldheim

Thiago NileDeath

Today I'll present you a complete guide of the updated version of Temur Ramp with Kaldheim new card...

Guide Standard Temur Kaldheim

La historia de Phyrexia: El mayor antagonista del Multiverso

La historia de Phyrexia: El mayor antagonista del Multiverso


Despues de casi diez años, hay una señal de un Phyrexiano en la lore de Magic. En este artículo, con...

Phyrexia Kaldheim Lore

The history of Phyrexia: The Multiverse's greatest antagonist

The history of Phyrexia: The Multiverse's greatest antagonist


After almost ten years, we have the first sight of a Phyrexian on Magic's Lore. But for what reason ...

Phyrexia Kaldheim Lore

Metagame de la Semana: cada formato tiene su ritmo

Metagame de la Semana: cada formato tiene su ritmo


¡Estamos aquí con otro Metagame de la Semana!

Metajuego Análisis

MTG Tribal Apocalypse format completes 10 years of tournaments

MTG Tribal Apocalypse format completes 10 years of tournaments


What do you think about playing a format focused on tribal decks with free events and secondary goal...

Tribal budget mtgo

Amigos del Meta -  ¿Magic está saludable otra vez?

Amigos del Meta - ¿Magic está saludable otra vez?


Esta semana el análisis del Metagame de los Challangers revela muchos formatos son diversos ¿Magic...

metagame competitivo

Announcing the Pauper Masters Online tournament

Announcing the Pauper Masters Online tournament


Pauper Masters has a long story on its three years of existence, and the time has come to take the e...

pauper online tournament mtgo

10 deck options that cost up to 30 TIX to build your Pioneer deck on MTGO

10 deck options that cost up to 30 TIX to build your Pioneer deck on MTGO


We have listed 10 decks that cost approximately 30 TIX that are competitive and fun, so you will be ...

pioneer mtgo

5 Modern Ultrabudget and Budget decklists!

5 Modern Ultrabudget and Budget decklists!


In this article I will show you five affordable Modern decklists for Magic Online, in order to celeb...

Modern Budget MTGO Tech

Top 10 COMMON good cards, but rarely played in tier decks.

Top 10 COMMON good cards, but rarely played in tier decks.


In this article I bring 10 cards that are really good, but that are left aside and can enter Pauper ...

Pauper PDH

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