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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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Gabriel Nunes
Today let's talk about Dredge's current version, a deck that is stiill pretty famous among its enthu...
modern dredge mtg sideguide
Selesnya Ramp was one of several decks that reappeared after the recent bans. In today's article, we...
standard selesnya ramp deck tech
Vinicius Sorin
In this article, we'll talk about how to assess a card's playable quality, one of the most crucial s...
commander edh
In today's article, we dissect the Mono-Black Devotion that won the Pauper Super Qualifier, which to...
pauper mono black deck tech
Wanna build a Commander deck from scratch but don't know where to start? I am here to help!
commander edh deckbuilding
Eduardo Silveira
The proposal of this Hokori, Dust Drinker deck is a stax that deprives the opponents' resources thro...
kamigawa stax commander
In today's article, we explore the Mana Fox team's choice for the Mythic Championship Qualifier, wit...
alchemy arena deck tech
In today's article, I analyze Pioneer's Dimir Rogues, played by SeventhProphet to reach Top 4 on las...
rogues dimir pioneer deck tech
Today, I bring a less known version of one of the format's most emblematic and popular Commanders: K...
commander deck tech
In today's article, I present some deckbuilding process and card choices exercise through the lens o...
pioneer grixis deck tech deckbuilding
Pedro Fernandes
The Quest Warrior has been dominating ranked for months, and it's one of the best choices for anyone...
standard quest warrior hs deck guide
Felipe Torres
This article brings an Ikra Shidiqi & Kraum deck, a turbo strategy with plenty of tools to keep itse...
cEDH commander deck tech
Today, we'll analyze Jeskai Control's capacity to always adapt to the Metagame, running recent and ...
modern mtg competitive
Celebrating the return to Kamigawa, I bring a Wizard tribal Draw-Go deck with Azami, Lady of Scrolls...
edh kamigawa commander azami
Today, I bring a Chatterfang Commander deck tech geared towards an aggressive tokens theme, creating...
commander mtg deck tech
Celebrate all the majesty of vampires and remember the evolution of the tribe in EDH: its main decks...
commander vampires edh
Today, we'll talk about some new multicolored decks that appeared in Modern recently, analyzing what...
modern metagame 4 color omnath
Thiago Fogaça
A flashback of Pioneer's metagame in 2021 and its ten most-played decks throughout the year!
pioneer decks top 10