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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
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Lucas Felix
Today, we'll discuss a different way to play Commander, based on a duel style and focused on competi...
duelcommander guide decks
Rodrigo William
Check out in this article the top 10 most expensive cards from the "151" special sub set, with honor...
TCG Kanto Special Sub Set Nostalgia Valua
Rodolfo Nogueira
Tales of Middle-earth returns to Magic with new 4 Boxes and Boosters. Check out the news and unboxin...
MTG LoTR released new
In this article, check out an analysis on which are the possibly strongest Pokémon for the metagame ...
PokémonTCG Kanto 151 Set Standard
Domain Cascade showed promising results in the first week of Wilds of Eldraine, but can it live up t...
Standard Domain Cascade Deck Guide
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, I'll explain how I correctly analyze the win rate data of Runeterra lists efficient...
guide stats info
Tabata Marques
Pro Quest was announced and with it the prizes were also revealed. Check now the dates, prizes and c...
FaB ProQuest season4 protour
Check out the top 10 most beautiful cards (based on my opinion) from the "151" special set, the firs...
151 Kanto Special Set Opinion Art
Get to know everything about the 2022-2023 MTG World Championship that returns to Vegas. Find out ev...
MTG championship Vegas stream players
With so many Janna lists being played in Standard, a question arises in the community: after all, wh...
guide standard janna
In this article, you'll learn how to play one of the most powerful decks in Eternal, and also be gif...
guide eternal decks
Tiago Fuguete
In this article, we'll discuss the Top 10 most popular cards in Pauper in recent times, besides thei...
Pauper tiagofuguete side top10
Compete for a $5000 prize by submitting your best Pokémon art to The Pokémon Company's annual contes...
TCG thepokemoncompany pokemon news pikachu
Follow the Jynx ex deck, which collaborates with a devastating attack that can knock out any Pokémon...
Standard Jynx Kanto Hit Kill Theory
A new expansion has barely started, and we already have an infinite combo list! Today we'll discuss ...
news deck combo
In this article, we'll show another Companion from the series "EDH Companion Guide", starring Henzie...
companion commander edh
New Fall of Ulduar mini-set announced. Check out the new cards already revealed and how they could a...
hearthstone hs blizzard ulduar
Cards Realm
A helpful article with 6 tips and strategies for students to use to help them succeed on their upcom...
tips students strategies final exams