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Magic: the Gathering
Flesh and Blood
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
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Rodolfo Nogueira
A long-standing partnership comes to an end: Wizards of the Coast ends its collaboration with Judge ...
WoTC judgeacademy MTG magic
Rodrigo William
Check out our analysis on the fourth set of the Scarlet & Violet block: Paradox Rift, which will add...
PokémonTCG Past&Future Paradox
Climbing Up the Beanstalk again, what awaits us? An old Legacy favorite: Temur Aggro (or Canadian Th...
legacy beanstalk temur
Keep up with the Wolves of Galar decks with their VStar forms plus the benefits from ADP's GX attack...
Zacian Zamazenta SteelType Massive Damage
Pedro Braga
It's time we venture into the world of... Adventures! As we look for the best Adventure cards in Wil...
list top10 adventures
Domain Cascade showed promising results in the first week of Wilds of Eldraine, but can it live up t...
Standard Domain Cascade Deck Guide
In this article of the EDH Companion Guide series, we will showcase Lurrus of the Dream-Den and Elas...
edh commander companion
Keep track of Andrew Estrada's Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Regionals championship deck; his version of ...
TCG Standard Regional Lost Box Andrew Estrada
In this article, we'll show the newest precon list from Wilds of Eldraine, Fae Dominion, and discuss...
upgrade precon commander
This is a set review of the Pauper format of Magic: The Gathering's Wilds of Eldraine set. Explore t...
pauper set review eldraine
Lucas Felix
Studying and learning about the new Commander Masters Enchantment pre-con deck
Commander Upgrade Tech
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
The Eternal format is back in the competitive spotlight, and, as a result, we brought you a guide on...
guide timelines eternal
Fernando "Finkel"
In this article, we'll do a brief analysis on the goals of the Lord of the Rings precon deck, and, b...
edh elves precon
In this article, we'll briefly analyze a list which inspired a lot of uncertainty among the competit...
opinion review deck competitive
Cards Realm
Discover the latest and greatest video game releases that are sure to become your next gaming obsess...
vieo game online epic
Looking to capture your epic gaming moments on your Mac? Check out our list of the top game screen r...
gaming adventures capture screen record
This article investigates the impact of online games on students' academic performance, exploring th...
online games impact performance academic
An African Safari Adventure awaits you in the Mega Moolah Slot game. Explore the savannahs and plain...
slot game jackpot Africa savannahs