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cEDH Deck Guide: Old Stickfingers Reanimator

cEDH Deck Guide: Old Stickfingers Reanimator

Felipe Torres

Today, we'll talk about a cEDH Old Stickfingers deck focused on a Reanimator strategy!

cedh commander

Budget Commander - Old Stickfingers Storm

Budget Commander - Old Stickfingers Storm

Eduardo Silveira

This article brings a budget Commander deck based around Storm and graveyard interactions with Innis...

edh commander budget combo

Conquest: The format's strongest and most interesting decks

Conquest: The format's strongest and most interesting decks

Felipe Torres

In today's article, we talk about some of the best decks for Conquest, the new Commander variant!

edh conquest multiplayer

Interview with the Game Designer, Roberto Pinheiro

Interview with the Game Designer, Roberto Pinheiro

Cesar Cusin

In this interview with the Game Designer, Roberto Pinheiro, you'll get to know the steps from the co...

interview gamedesigner roberto

Budget Commander - Gisa, Glorious Resurrector

Budget Commander - Gisa, Glorious Resurrector

Eduardo Silveira

This article introduces a list to punish your opponents and reanimate their creatures with one of Mi...

edh commander budget innistrad

World Championship decks leaked, and participants reverberate

World Championship decks leaked, and participants reverberate


The MTGMelee platform accidentally made the lists available during this Tuesday morning, three days ...

news worlds magic

List of all redemption codes for free products in Magic Arena

List of all redemption codes for free products in Magic Arena


While you can buy packs if you like, you can start stronger than everyone else in ARENA if you know ...

news arena code free

Modern: Midnight Hunt Highlights + Decklists

Modern: Midnight Hunt Highlights + Decklists

Pedro Braga

In this article, we present some new decks trying to make the best use of some Innistrad: Midnight H...

modern decks innistrad

Combo Breaker - Enters the battlefield Effects

Combo Breaker - Enters the battlefield Effects


This article is for you who have difficulty dealing with combos at Commander tables. And, in this ar...

commander mtg edh strategy

Budget cEDH deck guide - Slogurk, The Overslime

Budget cEDH deck guide - Slogurk, The Overslime

Felipe Torres

This article brings a budget decklist for Innistrad: Midnight Hunt's new legendary creature, Slogurk...

EDH cedh budget

Upgrading the Midnight Hunt Commander precon: Coven Counters

Upgrading the Midnight Hunt Commander precon: Coven Counters

Vinicius Sorin

Today, we'll discuss the gameplan behind the preconstructed commander deck, Coven Counters, and whic...

cEDH commander

Future Predictions for Victorious Skins in Legends of Runeterra

Future Predictions for Victorious Skins in Legends of Runeterra


Riot Games, with their great experience in the gaming business, knows more than anyone the importanc...

skins predictions limited victorious

Pauper EDH - Innistrad: Midnight Hunt's five best commanders!

Pauper EDH - Innistrad: Midnight Hunt's five best commanders!


In this Article, I analyze the best commanders at Innistrad: Midnight Hunt for Pauper EDH

pdh analysis review

cEDH Set Review: Innistrad Midnight Hunt

cEDH Set Review: Innistrad Midnight Hunt

Felipe Torres

With the end of the spoiler season and the entire set revealed, we made a review of Innistrad: Midni...

cEDH commander innistrad

Set Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Commander decklists

Set Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Commander decklists


On September 24, Innistrad: Midnight Hunt will be released in stores around the world! Two new Comma...

commander edh decklists imh

The best Red creature in Magic's history

The best Red creature in Magic's history

Pedro Braga

We analyzed over 100 matches to put the two protagonists of Modern's red revolution on a scale and f...

modern red

Riot nerfs cards to rebalance predominant decks in Legends of Runeterra

Riot nerfs cards to rebalance predominant decks in Legends of Runeterra


The patch, which will go live on Wednesday, brings nerfs to cards commonly used in decks like Azir/I...

news nerf patch lor

Conquest: everything you need to know about the format based on Commander

Conquest: everything you need to know about the format based on Commander

Felipe Torres

This article is about a recent Commander variant, Conquest, which is gaining ground wherever it goes...

Conquest competitive mtg

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