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Magic: the Gathering
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Felipe Torres
In today's article, we talk about some of the best decks for Conquest, the new Commander variant!
edh conquest multiplayer
Cesar Cusin
In this interview with the Game Designer, Roberto Pinheiro, you'll get to know the steps from the co...
interview gamedesigner roberto
This article is for you who have difficulty dealing with combos at Commander tables. And, in this ar...
commander mtg edh strategy
Pirates Aggro is a deck that has dominated the meta in several seasons, and even in those where it d...
decktech pirates aggro guide
Vinicius Sorin
Today, we'll discuss the gameplan behind the preconstructed commander deck, Coven Counters, and whic...
cEDH commander
Riot Games, with their great experience in the gaming business, knows more than anyone the importanc...
skins predictions limited victorious
Divinity Of Philosophy
There are 48 decklists divided into 16 line-ups that will be used in the biggest Legends of Runeterr...
decklists lineup top16 worlds
In this article, we will discuss how the randomness present in Beyond the Bandlewood is impacting Ru...
Runeterra competitive bandlewood
The metagame after "Beyond the Bandlewood" hasn't been stabilized yet, so this is the best time for ...
decks runeterra lor bandlewood
The patch, which will go live on Wednesday, brings nerfs to cards commonly used in decks like Azir/I...
news nerf patch lor
In addition to the new partnerships, updates were also announced on other partnerships, such as Warh...
secretlair universesbeyond lord of the rings
In this article, I'll explain in a simple way how Legends of Runeterra's archetypes works and help y...
archetypes lor aggro midrange control combo
Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer
With the launch of multi-region cards, a lot of players have questions about which cards can be used...
BandleCity Multi-region LoR Expansion
Eduardo Silveira
Rakdos' performances are dramatic, violent and disturbing. Kalain has a thrilling ending in this sac...
edh commander budget d&d
Check out the interview with Czech Pro Player Ondřej Stráský, last MPL winner.
magic pro interview MPL
With huge events taking place between September and December, Pauper will have a great end of the ye...
analysis tournament competitive Pauper
In this article, I explain the Legends of Runeterra tournament formats and also present to you an am...
lor runeterra tournaments locks rules
Looking for a new card game or thinking about moving to another one? In this article, Exylem analyze...
opinion analysis mtg runeterra hearthstone