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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Marcos Sobral
In this article you will be able to check out our tips for those who want to learn how to play Yu-Gi...
Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel
Mateus Nogueira
Jumpstart 2022 is among us and it brings the age old question: what is good? Will your pocket be abl...
cedh commander jumpstart
Nat Almeida
How about a storm of dragons to terrorize your opponents on the table? In this article, we're going ...
Commander Deck Tech Dragons
Pacto das Guildas
Pioneer is a very fun and diverse format, and also stars in the competitive circuit that leads to Pr...
Pioneer Competitive Guide
Tony Lucas
In this article you'll find out which are the best decks to guarantee cubes with cards from Pool 2!
competitive ranking Pool 2
Let's find out together what the new set offers us in terms of news for PDH, a format that has been ...
The Secret Lair sets brings some of the most beautiful and funny Magic products. Come find out which...
magic secret lair collection
In today’s article we rank ALL 45 potential Commanders and their supplementing products! Come check...
Commander cedh edh
Pedro Braga
We've finally come to a point in which we have many playable Urzas in Magic, and enough for a Top 5....
commander Brother's War
Have you ever faced cards named Shrines? In this article, we will talk about what they are and bring...
commander shrines kamigawa edh
In this article, I will analyze the November 2022 TCG banlist, which will be active as soon as Decem...
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Banlist
Eduardo Silveira
This is an analysis of the pre-constructed deck "Mishra's Burnished Banner", commanded by Mishra, Em...
EDH Grixis Artifact Matters
In today's article, we present a Blitz Deck Tech for Chane, a Shadow Runeblade who uses the banished...
Chane Blitz Deck Tech
Bank of America's report highlighted the weariness and frustration that a portion of the community h...
Opinion Magic Burnout Bank of America
Nuestra lista incluye todos los mejores videojuegos del género MMO que se lanzarán en 2022 y más all...
rpg mmorpg
In this article, you will get to know the main games of the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise, their platforms and...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Games Guide
The frequency of tabletop Standard games has dropped dramatically in the post-pandemic world. In thi...
Standard Arena
We've reviewed the 10 cards we believe have the most potential for cEDH in The Brother's War supleme...
Review cEDH Transformers The Brothers' War