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One Piece TCG
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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Which format do I pick to play? Competitive? Casual? 60 cards? 100 cards? Do this quiz and find out ...
quiz formats
Marcos Sobral
Learn how to play with Traptrix, the best budget option for Yu-Gi-Oh! in 2023 and counter to the mai...
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Deck Tech
Pacto das Guildas
Rakdos Scam got a huge upgrade with Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle Earth and became one of the m...
Modern Deck Guide Rakdos Scam
Boros Pia is the newest variant of Pioneer's Aggro decks, and mixes elements of the old Boros Burn w...
Pia Nalaar Pioneer Deck Guide
Tabata Marques
With Command Fest and casual games in mind, we've prepared this article with 10 fun decks to play wi...
EDH Commander Casual
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
July 15th's Runeterra Open is coming and, as usual, I bring to you my guide for lineups which will p...
guide competitive runeterra open
Tony Lucas
The "Rise of the Phoenix" season brings some of the Phoenix Force's hosts into the game, including J...
Pool 5 Review July 2023
In this article, we've put together seven tips on how to prepare for and handle large Magic: The Gat...
CommandFest Magic Events
This article reviews the top 15 Swords from Magic: the Gathering, covering tips and strategies, as w...
Swords Top 15 Best
CommandFest (Commander Festival) is one of the biggest gatherings for Commander players. Check out d...
commandfest ccg edh sp
Standard is a format full of midranges and aggro strategies, and for a long time, a real control dec...
Standard Esper Control Deck Guide
Rodrigo William
Follow in this article some deck suggestions with the new cards from the Paldea Evolved set, with th...
Standard Paldea Evolved
Controversial, Final Fantasy XVI helps redefine what Final Fantasy means, and becomes the title the ...
Review Final Fantasy XVI
In this article, we talk about the impact of anime and manga series on the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime Manga
Pioneer is a format that has powerful combos like Lotus Field and Greasefang. More recently, the for...
Pioneer Deck Guide Rona Combo
A new event was announced! MagicCon Barcelona is also getting its own Limited Open Tournament!
news competitive magiccon
In this article, we highlight the main Lord of the Rings cards that appeared in this weekend's big M...
Modern Metagame LotR
Cards Realm
Learn five essential tips to consider when looking for a used car. Understand when to buy, how to ne...
car used