Magic: the Gathering
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In today's article, we present ten Modern decklists with some of the main cards present in Modern Ho...
Modern Decks MH3
Pacto das Guildas
In today's article, I'll show you five competitive Pauper decks for you to try out as soon as you ge...
Pauper Competitive Metagame mh3
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, we'll discuss one of the most important concepts for drawn-out Flesh and Blood m...
Cycle FaB Stacking
Pedro Braga
In this article, we'll review the top 10 best commanders from the newest Magic: The Gathering set, M...
commander modern horizons 3 mh3
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this opinion piece, I'll discuss the top 5 worst champion designs in the entire game. These desig...
opinion champions lor
There's no denying Modern Horizons 3 will change Pauper! In today's article, we'll analyze the best ...
Pauper MH3 Competitive
In this opinion piece, I'll show you my top 5 best champion designs in the entire game. I tried to b...
opinion lor champions
Nat Almeida
Let's commit crimes with Gisa? Take a look at this commander in our new deck tech!
decktech commander gisa
With over a hundred new features that could impact the competitive Metagame, Modern Horizons 3 has t...
Modern MH3 Spoiler Review
In today's article, we'll explore the mists of Misteria and analyze the new set, Part the Mistveil. ...
msm nuu enigma zen chi
In today's article, we list the ten best Modern Horizons 3 cards for competitive Magic: The Gatherin...
Top 10 Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers MH3
Inga and Esika is our dynamic duo of today! We'll use them to mix blue and green and create an explo...
commander deck tech simic deck guide
In this article, we present eight decklists with cards and strategies driven by the new features of ...
Timeless Decks Modern Horizons 3
This article is meant for anyone who just started playing LoR after pressing the LoR button on the L...
guide pvp lor
In today's article, we cover Mono Red Prowess, who benefited from the release of Slickshot Show-Off ...
Pioneer Mono Red Prowess Deck Guide
In today's article, we present an analysis of Modern Horizons 3 and the impact of its additions to T...
Timeless MH3 Review
In this article, we'll show you the top 10 white cards to draw as many cards as you need in your Com...
top commander draw monowhite
Check out the decklists for the four Modern Horizons 3 Commander decks: Creative Energy, Eldrazi Inc...
notícia commander decklists