الصفحة الرئيسية
Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
Flesh and Blood
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Rodrigo William
Get to know the Sun/Moon Gyarados deck: Team Up for Expanded with some new cards to potentialize the...
PokemonTCG Gyarados WaterType
We made another selection of known celebrities and places that, as it appears, visited Magic cards!
casual curiosities
Nat Almeida
In this article, we will present some of the most popular Commander combos for you to use in your de...
Commander Combos
Meet the paralysis and sniper deck with Zekrom, Flaaffy and Regieleki that took second place in the ...
PokémonTCG Flaaffy Deck Tech
If you're a technology fan, you might be aware of the new artificial intelligence that's revolutioni...
Pedro Fernandes
In today's article, we'll look at the best decks for Hearthstone Classic!
Classic Hearthstone Decks
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I present to those of you who don't know other Duelists, ways to play Yu-Gi-Oh "by ...
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
Again, we find ourselves in a format strangled by Delver. Is it time for Wizards to take action? And...
Legacy Bans
Eduardo Silveira
A Lock Control decklist with some good combos from one of the funniest and strongest commanders in t...
Boros Budget Deck Guide
Final Fantasy XVI received a release date: June 22, 2023. In this article, we present everything we ...
Final Fantasy XVI theories
Meet the Yveltal Control deck that was in the top 8 at the LAIC of 2022.2 in Brazil, built by Sande...
PokémonTCg LAIC Yveltal
Tabata Marques
Here, you can test your knowledge of famous Magic players and key in-game events!
Quiz Players Famous
Discover the deck of the 2022.2 Latin American International (LAIC) champion, Lugia VStar + Archeops...
Pokémon Lugia LAIC
Briar is one of Flesh and Blood's most famous heroes, and her theme as an Elemental Runeblade is fle...
Briar Blitz Deck Guide
Is Blackjack your favourite casino game? Well, in that case, you would want to know some interesting...
blackjack online facts
Taking a look at the essential features is important. Here is a list of the top features that the be...
casino platform feature
A guide on the best table games available for you to play in an online casino. The must-play pastime...
table casino games
Overall, this article aims to explore the idea that success at blackjack requires more than just luc...
blackjack casino