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Magic: the Gathering
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In today's article, we dissect the Mono-Black Devotion that won the Pauper Super Qualifier, which to...
pauper mono black deck tech
In today's article, I elaborate a bit on the strange state of Standard these days, and speculate on ...
analysis standard ban
Felipe Torres
A selection of cheap and underused cards to play on your budget Commander list!
budget commander edh
In today's article, I present my point of view on Pauper's latest news: The Pauper Format Panel's cr...
analysis pauper ban
An analysis of which cards might get banned from the competitive formats on the next Banned and Rest...
analysis ban competitive
In today's article, I analyze Pioneer's Dimir Rogues, played by SeventhProphet to reach Top 4 on las...
rogues dimir pioneer deck tech
In today's article, I present some deckbuilding process and card choices exercise through the lens o...
pioneer grixis deck tech deckbuilding
A speculative analysis of the main sets that will be released throughout 2022, and a personal critic...
analysis speculation 2022
Today, I analyze and evaluate 2021's ten most impactful cards for Legacy.
top 10 analysis legacy
In today's article, I analyze the ten cards (or cards cycle) that had the most impact in Pioneer on ...
pioneer top 10 2021
In today's article, I analyze the ten cards (or card cycle) from 2021 which I consider to be the mos...
top 10 standard 2021.
Starting in 2022, Daybreak Games will be on charge of Magic Online's development and publishing. The...
news mtgo daybreak wizards
In today's article, I present and evaluate the ten most important cards (or cards cycle) from 2021's...
modern top 10 2021 anlysis
Tony Lucas
In this article you will find 5 consistent decks with Magic Misadventures' expansion most versatile ...
Ahri Decklist LoR
In today's article, I evaluate the ten most impactful cards (or cards cycle) from 2021's releases fo...
analysis pauper 2021 top 10
This week, Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa was awarded, by the second year, as the Best Card Games Athlete ...
pv premio esports magic pro
Wizards announced today the first info about the new set, Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, including new basi...
kamigawa knd news spoiler
In today's article, I analyze the Orzhov Vampires, Pioneer deck that had five placements on last Sat...
vampires pioneer analysis