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A Problem at Pauper's Monarchy?

A Problem at Pauper's Monarchy?


Fall From Favor is the third most played card from Pauper in just two weeks, what exactly this could...

Pauper Metagame Monarch Ban

Announcing the Pauper Masters Online tournament

Announcing the Pauper Masters Online tournament


Pauper Masters has a long story on its three years of existence, and the time has come to take the e...

pauper online tournament mtgo

Weekly Metagame - Is Magic Healthy Again ?

Weekly Metagame - Is Magic Healthy Again ?


This week's analysis of the Challanges reveals that many formats are diverse. Is Magic healthy and ...

metagame competitive

The History of Archetypes - Delver

The History of Archetypes - Delver


Delver of Secrets is one of the most iconic Magic cards from the last decade. Today, I invite you to...

Historia Arquetipos Delver

Weekly Metagame - What's the deck to beat?

Weekly Metagame - What's the deck to beat?

Raphael Martinez

We're back with one more weekly metagame analysis of Challenge top 8s!

metagame standard pauper

The Lab - Pauper Decklists with Commander Legends

The Lab - Pauper Decklists with Commander Legends


Commander Legends arrives at Magic Online tomorrow, and here are some ideas and decklists that came ...

Pauoer Deck Commander

Commander Legends and its impact on Pauper

Commander Legends and its impact on Pauper


Commander Legends could be the most impactful set for Pauper in 2020.

review pauper Commander Opinion

Kwain, Itinerant Meddler and the Group Hug

Kwain, Itinerant Meddler and the Group Hug

Pedro Braga

A cute reinforcement for the Group Hug archetype on Commander

commander edh grouphug

Kaladesh Remastered and the Historic

Kaladesh Remastered and the Historic


Kaladesh Remastered comes to Magic Arena on November 12th, bringing some news to Historic!

Historic Competitive Review

The Fiery Cannonade’s Effect In Pauper

The Fiery Cannonade’s Effect In Pauper


Analyzing Fiery Cannonade's impact to Pauper.

Pauper Competitive Metagame Cannonade

The New Era of Magic: The Gathering

The New Era of Magic: The Gathering


Like it or not, there is a reality that we all need to accept: Magic has grown and it has changed.

opinion secret lair arena hasbro

5 Modern Ultrabudget and Budget decklists!

5 Modern Ultrabudget and Budget decklists!


In this article I will show you five affordable Modern decklists for Magic Online, in order to celeb...

Modern Budget MTGO Tech

Omnath remains in 50% of Standard Challenge's TOP 32 decklists

Omnath remains in 50% of Standard Challenge's TOP 32 decklists


We saw a smaller percentage of decks playing Omnath (from 60% to 50%) but the legendary creature sti...

standard arena

The History of Standard's Banlist

The History of Standard's Banlist


A retrospective about Standard's history and its list of banned cards.

Standard Ban

New decklists 5-0 with Zendikar Rising in Modern

New decklists 5-0 with Zendikar Rising in Modern


Zendikar Rising brought new cards to the Modern format. Here we going to see these new cards looking...

modern zendikar rising

Zendikar Rising and Pauper Relevance in the New Sets

Zendikar Rising and Pauper Relevance in the New Sets


Zendikar Rising is the proof that Pauper became increasingly relevant when Wizards designs a new set...

Pauper Competitive Review

Report TOP 4 in Pauper Challenge 05/09 - Hamuda with Dimir Faries

Report TOP 4 in Pauper Challenge 05/09 - Hamuda with Dimir Faries


Hey guys, Hamuda here, and today I will bring my report about the challenge of 9/6 and again with my...

pauper deck

Pauper Slivers - Deck Sideboard Guide

Pauper Slivers - Deck Sideboard Guide


Hellooo, this is Isa and I'm here to show you a sideboard guide for the Slivers Deck in Pauper!

fractius tech

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