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Lore: What is the Phyrexian Compleation

Lore: What is the Phyrexian Compleation

Vinicius Sorin

Learn why Phyrexians are likely to once again become the next great villains of the Multiverse in Ma...

lore phyrexia

Children of EDH: Commander and its Variants

Children of EDH: Commander and its Variants

Vinicius Sorin

Commander is a format with many variations, each of them with a different focus, creating an environ...

commander edh competitive multiplayer

Quizz: Which Arcane Character are you?

Quizz: Which Arcane Character are you?


Take this fast and fun quiz to know which Arcane character and you have the most in common.

quizz arcane lol riot netflix

Pirates Aggro Deck Tech - From beginners to masters

Pirates Aggro Deck Tech - From beginners to masters


Pirates Aggro is a deck that has dominated the meta in several seasons, and even in those where it d...

decktech pirates aggro guide

10 new decks with Beyond the Bandlewood's Champions

10 new decks with Beyond the Bandlewood's Champions


The metagame after "Beyond the Bandlewood" hasn't been stabilized yet, so this is the best time for ...

decks runeterra lor bandlewood

Explaining Legends of Runeterra's Archetypes

Explaining Legends of Runeterra's Archetypes


In this article, I'll explain in a simple way how Legends of Runeterra's archetypes works and help y...

archetypes lor aggro midrange control combo

Eleven Questions to The Professor, our favorite Tolarian!

Eleven Questions to The Professor, our favorite Tolarian!


In Today’s Eleven Questions, we interviewed Brian Lewis, better known as "The Professor"! We talked ...

interview Lewis arena tolarian

The Story of Barrin, Tolarian Archmage

The Story of Barrin, Tolarian Archmage


Barrin, Tolarian Archmage is one of the founders of the most important magician academy in Dominaria...

lore m21 coreset

Arena fixes errors in pairing and starting hand

Arena fixes errors in pairing and starting hand


Are you wondering why you're getting bad opening hands and / or pairing with players who don't have ...

notícia ikoria arena

Leaked new Secret Lair Drop Thalia, Guardian of Thraben

Leaked new Secret Lair Drop Thalia, Guardian of Thraben


Each Thalia comes with a unique and different art.


The Monoblack in Commander - Yawgmoth, Thran Physician

The Monoblack in Commander - Yawgmoth, Thran Physician

Thiago Fogaça

Check out a Commander MonoBlack that runs around Yawgmoth, Thran Physician

Deck tech Cedh

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