Magic: the Gathering
Flesh and Blood
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In today's article, we evaluate Magic's new expansion, Murders at Karlov Manor, for the Pioneer form...
Pioneer Review MKM
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, let's unravel the new set, Heavy Hitters, discuss its mechanics, cards, heroes, ...
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Pacto das Guildas
Ravnica: Murders at Karlov Manor is the next Magic: The Gathering set! In today's article, I'll brin...
Standard Review MKM
The Pauper set Review: Murders at Karlov Manor explores the gripping new addition to the best format...
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In today's article, we present the ten best cards and reprints from The List and Special Guests from...
Timeless MKM Review
In today's article, we evaluate the seven best cards from the new expansion, Murders at Karlov Manor...
Modern Review MKM
Take a look: another Hatebear that has potential for Legacy! Let's analyze this new Doorkeeper that ...
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Rodrigo William
Check out the Aegislash deck, which, alongside Mimikyu, creates the perfect defense against ultra ra...
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Rodolfo Nogueira
Murders at Karlov Manor, in addition to bringing new cards, brought new mechanics and even the retur...
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In today's article, let's analyze Flesh and Blood's history and try and understand when Power Creep ...
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We've reached the last release of the Year of the Wolf! In this analysis, we'll see the cards added ...
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Tiago Fuguete
Tolarian Terror and the three deck options you can play! Let's see each one of them, analyze them an...
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