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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Flesh and Blood
One Piece TCG
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These prestige competitions are one of the many ways to get yourself a spot in the World Championshi...
news competitive flesh and blood nationals
Tony Lucas
Everything about the new cards from the Guardians Greatest Hits! Which ones are worth purchasing?
Pool 5 New Cards Review
Pedro Fernandes
Totem Shaman is one of the best options to get to Legend. Check out the guide to one of the most pop...
HS Shaman Deck Guide
Pedro Braga
Among March of Machine's new cards, few are more flashy than the double-faced card Heliod, the Radia...
Commander Heliod Deck Tech
Several rare cards are up for sale, including a few Power Nine cards from MTG. Other iconic Pokémon ...
news pokemon mtg market
A Pokémon store in Japan has banned adults from buying a portion of their stock. The measure is repo...
news pokemon store market
Riddlesmith Combo is a deck which allows exiling your entire deck to then cast Grapeshot to defeat y...
Legacy Riddlesmith Combo Deck Guide
Everything you need to know about Nebula to get her off to a good start in the game's new season, pl...
Deck Nebula Review
Ezuri, Stalker of Spheres is a standout amongst Phyrexia: All Will be One Commanders who interact wi...
Commander Ezuri Deck Tech
Rodrigo William
Get to know Koraidon ex's fighting-type deck - which might be the "counter" of Miraidon ex, having a...
PokémonTCG Koraidon Deck Guide
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I will present a list of 12 cards that are currently on the banlist, but that could...
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Banlist
Combining Chrome Host Seedshark and Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh with the most solid threats and answ...
Dimir Midrange Standard Deck Guide
Pacto das Guildas
March of the Machine brought great additions to Pioneer and Explorer. In this article, we'll be look...
Pioneer Decklists MTGMOM
Juggling work, study, and life takes a toll on several people's physical, emotional, and mental heal...
life study
Cards Realm
This article explores the potential of 3D printing technology, as applied to the production of table...
games 3D Printing Tabletop Miniatures
Fantasy Football has revolutionized the gaming industry, allowing players to build teams and compete...
football gaming lucky fantasy
An informative guide to help gamers stay energized and alert during gaming sessions. Learn how to s...
cards games video game game tech 21 century
This article explores the US states where online gambling is legal, and which offer the best benefit...
online gamble