Magic: the Gathering
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Magic: The Gathering joins the growing list of companies which will attend Summer Fest 2023, one of ...
news mtg summer fest e3
In today's article, we evaluate the top ten cards from March of the Machine: The Aftermath for the E...
Explorer Review The Aftermath MTGArena
Fans throw suspicion over new Secret Lair artworks; Check out here who was the victim this time.
news artwork mtg
The new Universes Beyond product for MTG, inspired by Doctor Who, was just revealed at MagicCon Minn...
news doctor who mtg universes beyond
Pacto das Guildas
March of the Machine: The Aftermath is a mini-set that works as a kind of “expansion” of the main se...
Standard MTGMAT Review
In this article, we will discuss the Golgari Gardens Control deck, covering topics such as card sele...
Pauper mtg alternative
Several rare cards are up for sale, including a few Power Nine cards from MTG. Other iconic Pokémon ...
news pokemon mtg market
March of the Machine brought great additions to Pioneer and Explorer. In this article, we'll be look...
Pioneer Decklists MTGMOM
With the first financial quarter of 2023 passed, Hasbro has released some of its numbers and reports...
news market mtg hasbro
Pedro Braga
Today we will talk about Power Creep, a phenomenon that exists, but which is often silent. Examples ...
Competitive Power Creep
The outstanding partnership has returned, bringing five more exclusive designs for playmats, all mad...
news playmat art mtg illustration
The March of the Machines has begun! Let's take a look at what this expansion and its Battles bring ...
Legacy Review March of the Machine MTGMOM
In today's article, I comment on the ten best cards from March of the Machine for Explorer!
Explorer MTGArena MTGMOM Review
This 001/500 serial has just been found as March of the Machine packs, boxes, kits and cards start b...
news ragavan march of the machine mtg mar
Felipe Torres
This article features a selection of the best possible March of the Machines cards for Competitive C...
cEDH March of the Machines MTGMOM Review
Now that all of March of the Machine's cards have been revealed, we can take a closer look at the se...
Standard Review MTGMOM
A new update to the Lore in the March of the Machine story spoilers finally has Nissa and Chandra sh...
News lore chandra nissa mtg
One of the biggest Pauper tournaments happened this past weekend, in Italy! 614 players competed and...
News pauper mtg competitive