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MTGO Commander: Budget Decklists for under 10 tix

MTGO Commander: Budget Decklists for under 10 tix


Today, I present some fun and powerful Commander Decks that can be built with up to 10 Tix on Magic ...


Commander Deck Tech:  Ikra & Ishai, Mutate Midrange

Commander Deck Tech: Ikra & Ishai, Mutate Midrange

Eduardo Silveira

The proposal in this adaptive partner deck, Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker and Ikra Shidiqi, is to use...

Commander Deck Tech Mutate

PDH: Ten Pauper Deck adaptations to Pauper Commander

PDH: Ten Pauper Deck adaptations to Pauper Commander


In today's article, we bring ten Pauper EDH lists inspired by the most popular Pauper decks.

Pauper EDH Pauper Decklists

Deckbuilding: Five common mistakes when constructing your deck

Deckbuilding: Five common mistakes when constructing your deck


In today's article, I list five mistakes commonly made when building a decklist from scratch, and ho...

deckbuilding analysis

Neon Dynasty Championship Alchemy & Historic Top 8 Decklists

Neon Dynasty Championship Alchemy & Historic Top 8 Decklists


After two days, the Top 8 of the Neon Dynasty Championship is set. Check out each competitor's Alche...

news top 8 neon dynasty

Board Games Typology: Discovering your favorite game style

Board Games Typology: Discovering your favorite game style

Cesar Cusin

I am “Eurogamer”! I love “Ameritrash”! My group loves a “Hybrid”! So, which group or groups are you ...

typology board games

Pauper: About the (new) bans and the Metagame

Pauper: About the (new) bans and the Metagame


In today's article, I analyze the recent Pauper bans, what we can learn about the format, and what t...

pauper analysis ban

Alchemy: The format's potential and what went wrong

Alchemy: The format's potential and what went wrong


Even though it is one of the main formats of the Neon Dynasty Championship, Alchemy has stagnated in...

Alchemy analysis opinion

Standard Deck Tech: Naya Runes

Standard Deck Tech: Naya Runes


In today's article, we analyze the Naya Runes, which stands out for a powerful synergy between creat...

analysis standard deck tech

The Post-Kamigawa Neon Dynasty Pauper

The Post-Kamigawa Neon Dynasty Pauper


In today's article, I present an analysis of the main points of what has been happening in Pauper si...

pauper competitive analysis

Standard: Jeskai Hinata is the format's next best deck

Standard: Jeskai Hinata is the format's next best deck


Although it's still early in the season, some strategies are so powerful that it doesn't take long t...

Standard jeskai analysis

Top 10 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Cards for Standard

Top 10 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Cards for Standard


In today's article, I evaluate the ten cards that I consider the most relevant in Kamigawa: Neon Dyn...

analysis standard kamigawa

Challenger Decks 2022 Decklists

Challenger Decks 2022 Decklists


Check out the decklists of the four new Challenger Decks: Mono-White Aggro, Dimir Control, Gruul Sto...

news standard challenger deck

Commander Decklists from Kamigawa Neon Dynasty

Commander Decklists from Kamigawa Neon Dynasty


On February 18, Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty will introduce two new Commander decks: Power Up with Kotori,...

edh commander

Modern Dredge - Deck Analysis & Sideboard Guide

Modern Dredge - Deck Analysis & Sideboard Guide

Gabriel Nunes

Today let's talk about Dredge's current version, a deck that is stiill pretty famous among its enthu...

modern dredge mtg sideguide

Lore: What is the Phyrexian Compleation

Lore: What is the Phyrexian Compleation

Vinicius Sorin

Learn why Phyrexians are likely to once again become the next great villains of the Multiverse in Ma...

lore phyrexia

Standard: Analyzing the Bans and the format's uncertain future

Standard: Analyzing the Bans and the format's uncertain future


In today's article, I elaborate a bit on the strange state of Standard these days, and speculate on ...

analysis standard ban

The Power of Product Placements in Gaming

The Power of Product Placements in Gaming


Netflix recently admitted that the video game Fortnite is its biggest competitor. This post will bre...

games marketing advertising

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