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Banned and Restricted: My Speculations for the next Announcement!

Banned and Restricted: My Speculations for the next Announcement!


An analysis of which cards might get banned from the competitive formats on the next Banned and Rest...

analysis ban competitive

Alchemy Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide: Orzhov Midrange

Alchemy Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide: Orzhov Midrange


In today's article, we explore the Mana Fox team's choice for the Mythic Championship Qualifier, wit...

alchemy arena deck tech

2022: Free MTGO Tournament Schedule and Where to find them

2022: Free MTGO Tournament Schedule and Where to find them


In today's article, I present an updated schedule of all the free tournaments on MTGO and where to f...

mtgo casual tournament free

New Management for MTGO: Wizards announces partnership with Daybreak Games

New Management for MTGO: Wizards announces partnership with Daybreak Games


Starting in 2022, Daybreak Games will be on charge of Magic Online's development and publishing. The...

news mtgo daybreak wizards

Alchemy: Decklists for the new digital format

Alchemy: Decklists for the new digital format

Thiago NileDeath

This article brings decklists for Magic Arena's new format, Alchemy, along with a brief explanation ...

alchemy decklists

Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa's Story with Magic

Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa's Story with Magic


This week, Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa was awarded, by the second year, as the Best Card Games Athlete ...

pv premio esports magic pro

Innistrad: Alchemy Set Review

Innistrad: Alchemy Set Review

Thiago NileDeath

A brief analysis of Arena's new format, Alchemy, and a review of the new set released for the format...

alchemy innistrad arena historic

Modern: Grixis Shadow, Optimization and Tempo

Modern: Grixis Shadow, Optimization and Tempo

Gabriel Nunes

In today's article, we will take a closer look at Grixis Death's Shadow, which combines the classic ...

modern competitive grixis shadow

Arena will have new format called Alchemy

Arena will have new format called Alchemy


The new format will rotate like the Standard, but will have exclusive cards with mechanics only poss...

standard arena alchemy

Pauper: Bans will never solve the Real Problem

Pauper: Bans will never solve the Real Problem


Affinity's predominance is just another symptom of a larger and chronic issue Pauper has been facing...

pauper analysis ban affinity wizards

Historic Decklists for the Qualifier Weekend - November 2021

Historic Decklists for the Qualifier Weekend - November 2021

Thiago NileDeath

Today, we explore some decklists for the next Qualifier Weekend and what we can expect on the tourna...

historic aggro combo jund

Five Pioneer Budget Multicolored Decklists: Enemy Colors

Five Pioneer Budget Multicolored Decklists: Enemy Colors


In today's article, I present another five budget decklists for Pioneer on the enemy-colors combinat...

pioneer budget deck

Commander Deck Tech: Sharuum, the Hegemon

Commander Deck Tech: Sharuum, the Hegemon

Felipe Torres

This article brings a Sharuum commander decklists with plenty of ways to finish the game.

budget edh mtg commander

Modern: Temur Footfalls and Strength in Simplicity

Modern: Temur Footfalls and Strength in Simplicity

Gabriel Nunes

Today, we'll analyze one of the most trustworthy decks of the current Modern metagame: Temur Footfal...

metagame modern temur

List of all redemption codes for free products in Magic Arena

List of all redemption codes for free products in Magic Arena


While you can buy packs if you like, you can start stronger than everyone else in ARENA if you know ...

news arena code free

A Beginner's Guide to Pokémon Unite

A Beginner's Guide to Pokémon Unite

Divinity Of Philosophy

With its arrival to mobiles, Pokémon Unite has exploded in popularity in the last week. In this arti...

mobile pokemon unite

Modern: Izzet Tempo and Topdeck consistency

Modern: Izzet Tempo and Topdeck consistency

Gabriel Nunes

Today, we'll present a detailed vision of one of the most important decks in Modern today: Izzet Tem...

izzet modern metagame

Online Casino Bonuses: How to get the most out of them

Online Casino Bonuses: How to get the most out of them


General tips to get the most of online casino bonuses and spend less in your fun

casino poker bonus

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