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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll discuss everything that happened in Standard's meta while we were all playing...
guide standard metagame
Eltinho became the champion of the main Legacy circuit tournament in Brasília with Boros Initiative,...
Legacy report boros initiative
In this article, I'll tell my story of how I got to Top 16 in the Runeterra Open April 15th and 16th...
report open meta competitive
Ricardo Mattana
Ricardo Mattana presents his Brazilian Pauper Nationals Top 8 Report in 2022. Here you will find inf...
Pauper Report Top 8
Hamuda's report of his Top 8 placement on the March 18 Pioneer Qualifier, with info about starting h...
Pioneer Qualifier Report Boros Feather
Hey guys, Hamuda here, and today I will bring my report about the challenge of 9/6 and again with my...
pauper deck
Here is Hamuda and today I will write a report about how I won the Pauper Challenge of the day 22/08...
siderboard guide deck tech
Daniel Linhares
In this Carfax report review a reliable and secure service tutorial, we will explore why Carfax repo...