

How do esports players make money?

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Esports players and athletes in classical disciplines have a lot in common. Every player wants to win and be the best in their field. And one of the key motivations for any player is salary.

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Of course, the income in esports is not as high as in football or hockey, but every year the total fee check increases. Earnings depend on which game the player has chosen and whether he is in the media sphere.

Social Networks and streaming

Many esports players maintain personal pages on social networks and receive additional income using YouTube. In the gaming community, streams are especially developed, where users can watch the game live. Usually, to create a successful account from scratch, they buy real youtube subscriberslink outside website to bring live broadcasts to the top using a ranking system on the network. After all, the more followers, likes and comments, the higher the author of the channel is in the search.


In this article, we will analyze what esports players earn in addition to running social networks and streaming.

Prize fees

The main source of earnings is prize fees. The largest sums are played at major championships, which are attended by the best players of the team from all over the world. If we talk about the most popular Dota 2 discipline, then the players receive the largest reward for prizes at The International. Every year the championship breaks its own records and increases the amount of prize money. In fact, this is the key difference between esports and the classic sports we are familiar with. In video game competitions, you need to win in order to earn a lot. And in football, for example, it's enough to just run around the field all season and not try to score goals in order to get as much money as possible.


But the income of Dota 2 players also consists of sponsorship contracts and salaries from the club. Some esports players participate in advertising and sign contracts for advertising services, while others are members of specialized clubs that regularly pay salaries. This is a good source of additional income, but not everyone succeeds in achieving such success.

Ads: success of your local region

With League of Legends, the situation is a little more complicated. Here, income does not depend on the rating, but on the success of the region on the international stage. MOBAlink outside website from Riot Games is a very popular discipline in Europe, the USA and Asia, so local players do not complain about income. There are many themed clubs, YouTube channels and streamers in these countries. All this adds up positively to the total income of the players. Many of them try to earn as much as possible on their favorite game, so you can often find thematic merch.

Remember that money from ads depends of your region
Remember that money from ads depends of your region

Personal brand

Players who develop a personal brand never suffer of a small income. For a quick and successful launch of the author's profile, it is enough for them to buy youtube subscriberslink outside website, design the channel, talk about maintaining an account on other sites and regularly post high-quality content. The richest players in League of Legends are athletes from China and Korea. In their native countries, they are as popular as k-pop stars or movie actors. Some contracts amount to millions of dollars, and the three-time World champion Faker even became the face of a local ice cream brand.

As for CS:GO players, their situation is like Dota 2 players. But here an athlete's income depends on his position in the HLTV rating. This is a resource that publishes news about the game, the results of the past competitions and the collection of statistics. The portal publishes the rating of players and teams, and the higher the team is in it, the more earnings will be. Not all clubs rely entirely on data from the resource, but most still use it as a good opportunity to find new players. When teams show excellent results and approach top positions, rich organizations that want to enter the discipline may be interested in them. That's why scouts of major clubs spend so much time on HLTV, their task is not to miss the new rising stars of esports.


In fact, famous cyber sportsmen are the same celebrities as movie actors, musicians and representatives of the fashion world. They have the opportunity to earn a lot of money in various ways and constantly increase their income. Most often, they prefer to develop a personal brand or product (like https://www.slotozilla-pl.com/pl/link outside website) and conduct live broadcasts in order to be closer to the fans, but at the same time generate an additional source of income.

Hired by big companies

Among other things, visibility in the media sphere helps to find new connections and use them for your own development. Many streamers on games such as Fortnite, Dota 2 and CS:GO turned out to be noticed by large companies, which in the future created real athletes from them, who at a young age were already able to succeed. The authors of the channels simply showed their game, chatted with followers and accepted donations without expecting anything more. And within a few months they are members of well-known clubs and get a lot of money playing their favorite games.